my one and only nephew who brought so much happiness to my life, your aunt sissy loves you!

0007 February - 0009 August

Created by bro_im_throwed 14 years ago
Every since the day i was up at the hospital waiting for what seemed like forever for you to be born and i could see my nephew for the first time i knew i had something that i would always have happiness in my life for sure, as long as Bryan was in it. i thought i was gonna get to have you forever... watch you grow and you be the one who had to watch me leave.. because thats how things usually work.. people are supposed to leave when they lived their fair share of life.. once they are old and got the chance to see, go, learn, feel, enjoy life and then finally get tired and decide to leave the world to our youth and innocent.. so they can have to awesome but hell of a adventure.. called living life, and then when they grew old.. they go on up with God too, but willingly and happily.. but for some reason that wasnt in Gods plan for you.. why not? why us, you? i wanted to see you grow and have reassured happiness forever. but i soon had a rude awaking call telling me i needed to let go of you because it was ALREADY your time. no, its not fair... why do all the sorry asses live to be old and crippled and live off retirement but the good ones who could make a change for the good in the world have to leave before they can show what wonderful things they can bring or offer.. or create.. i felt a different kind of love when i say i loved bryan.. cause it was the kind of love a aunt has for their baby nephew, my little bubba, my wagon buddy, my library partner, dance teacher, and my love and life teacher.. because you showed me that our love is strong and it will never change and maybe if you were only here long enough to give as many people as you could the same feeling you gave to me, but maybe that was your purpose.. to give everyone the feeling i will always have in my heart permanently because you left it there and flew away... just like santa, only your gift was way better then anything anyone else could possibly give that is as special, powerful, strong, amazing, and truly a blessing from God which is your love. you had to have been one of Gods top angels who came down in disguise as the most handsomest baby ever who blessed over 100 people with Bryans special gift and then went on back home to watch how it changes and betters peoples lifes and hearts. that is the only thing that it can be, its the only thing i allow to make sense. lol, maybe you were a miracle.. or maybe like a shooting star only human and to me it seemed like you disappeared alot quicker :( maybe not.. i dont know Bryan.. honestly i dont, i could go on forever.. alls i know is that you changed my life forever.. my heart as well. my outlook on life will soon be better too... considering the fact that ive decided to try to change my life and make you happy and proud of your sissy (aunt flipper) because of how much love you brought to my heart.. i feel like i owe you something or i should at least show you that i will do something good in life because of how good you made me feel.. another one of those things that i could make last forever with millions of reasons and thank yous.. lol. so maybe it is a little hard right now, but everyone will soon begin to realize you are not gone and will better their lives because they finally realized you never left not even for a second, you were in our hearts this whole time, from the very beginning.. until the never ending time.. so see people bryans story is one you must always have because you always feel him and his love so how can you forget.. dont let go and lose faith or let it be passed without notice because i know everyone who ever walked in his path or was in his presence was touched by an Angel one whose name is Bryan! all you have to do is open your eyes and heart.. listen to your heart and what it tells you and allow his love to fill your heart and lead you to a straight path to eternal happiness and love. maybe not in sight but forever in mind and heart. be patient everyone, for we all have our day planned ahead of us when we will eventually get to see our little man who we miss so much.. before we all know it we will ALL be up there partying in peace and rejoicing in happiness and everlasting love that Jesus gave us before we were even created because he created us with this everlasting love, love is our magic. cherish it! i try not to be sad but sometimes im sad for me, not you.. im sad i cant be up there with you yet.. or that i impatiently have to wait my turn and someone else gets you for now.. lol. ill share because you shared.. thank you Bryan! i can never repay you or thank you enough. tell my Nana hi for me, you know.. your great nana.. and die moo and great gpa bill.. and everyone i miss up there. bye for now bryan. i love you. yal bryan never died, hes still alive in your heart.. as long as you allow him to be. he just went on a vacation, soon you will get to go too. until then.... love forever and always, your aunt sissy.